Existing in Time

I said to him, I hoped he enjoyed the race.

He replied, “It’s alright. Been there a year now since I last saw you. ”

“Really?!  Time has escaped me and at times excused me. I’m not sure I exist in the same dimension as the rest of humanity. As ephemeral as our encounter so are our lives but memory seems to be permanent.” that was a poetic expression of how I felt.

He replied, “Have you been reading mystical books or something?”

I assured him I was not tripping on drugs. In fact, I am as sober as can be and I had been reading the Holy Bible. I will not censor what I say and I mostly write or be in my thoughts and in prayer. I was not often in the company of others.

I have not become a recluse I’ll have you know. I was dealing with fear in addition to the pain. My life was turned upside down, but now turned right side up, and everything restored. My spirit did suffer as much as the average person and I hid from the world, emerging periodically to handle responsibilities I could not avoid and to spend time with those I love.

Pain did not stop time. Oh, that night in a single night of prayer. I prayed in Jesus name for my spirit to be calmed and comforted as I laid under my baby blue comforter trying to sleep. I’m not sure what happened but God Almighty, or the Highest, Father of Immanuel the Christ comforted me. Jesus is a name Americans know of as the Christ but the actual name of the Christ is Immanuel. My eyes closed for what seemed an eternity of dreams; some hours later, the morning light fell heavily upon my face and I woke up feeling a little depressed but I felt better shortly after. The world passed by and we live in time. I wondered what dimension we live in, but there is one dimension: What was before the foundations of the world was laid.

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